エミュレータ終了ボタン はい
Do you want to map a button to exit the emulator [Y/n] y
Press the that button now...(PSボタン)
emulator escape button mapped to 316 (BTN_MODE).
Aボタン はい
Do you want to map the A button? [Y/n] y
Press the A button now...(×ボタン)
A button mapped to 304 (BTN_A).
Bボタン はい
Do you want to map the B button? [Y/n] y
Press the B button now...(○ボタン)
B button mapped to 305 (BTN_B).
Cボタン いいえ
Do you want to map the C button? [Y/n] n
Dボタン いいえ
Do you want to map the D button? [Y/n] n
Xボタン はい
Do you want to map the X button? [Y/n] y
Press the X button now...(□ボタン)
X button mapped to 308 (BTN_WEST).
Yボタン はい
Do you want to map the Y button? [Y/n] y
Press the Y button now...(△ボタン)
Y button mapped to 307 (BTN_NORTH).
Zボタン いいえ
Do you want to map the Z button? [Y/n] n
スタートボタン はい
Do you want to map the START button? [Y/n] y
Press the START button now...(SHARE/OPTIONボタン)
START button mapped to 315 (BTN_START).
方向キー1 はい
Do you want to map DPad 1? [Y/n] y
Press the LEFT button of DPad 1 now...(方向キー左)
X axis of DPad 1 mapped to 16 (ABS_HAT0X).
Press the UP button of DPad 1 now...(方向キー上)
Y axis of DPad 1 mapped to 17 (ABS_HAT0Y).
方向キー2 いいえ
Do you want to map DPad 2? [Y/n] n
トリガー左 はい
Do you want to map TRIGGER_LEFT? [Y/n] y
Press the TRIGGER_LEFT now...(L2ボタン)
analog TRIGGER_LEFT mapped to 2 (ABS_Z).
トリガー右 はい
Do you want to map TRIGGER_RIGHT? [Y/n] y
Press the TRIGGER_RIGHT now...(R2ボタン)
analog TRIGGER_RIGHT mapped to 5 (ABS_RZ).
アナログスティック はい
Do you want to map the analog stick? [Y/n] y
Please move the analog stick as far left as possible now...
X mapped to 0 (ABS_X).(左ステック左)
Please move the analog stick as far up as possible now...
$sudo nano /opt/retropie/configs/dreamcast/mappings/controller_WirelessController.cfg
mapping_name = Wireless Controller
btn_escape = 316
btn_a = 304
btn_b = 305
btn_x = 308
btn_y = 307
btn_start = 315
axis_trigger_left = 2
axis_trigger_right = 5
axis_x = 0
axis_y = 1
axis_dpad1_x = 16
axis_dpad1_x_inverted = no
axis_dpad1_y = 17
axis_dpad1_y_inverted = no
axis_trigger_left_inverted = no
axis_trigger_right_inverted = no
axis_x_inverted = no
axis_y_inverted = no